
2018-07-29 22:08:25


"When the LAL played 3 games in Philly during the 01 Finals, Kobe's dad was nowhere to be found. At the end of that series, the Lakers won and Kobe was spotted holding the trophy in the shower and crying, everyone assumed it was joy or relief. He later told the Times, 'That was about my dad.'"

Full quote:

The falling out occurred in 2000, though neither Joe nor Kobe talks about it publicly anymore. At 21, Kobe got engaged to 18-year-old Vanessa Laine, whom he had met on the set of a video shoot when she was a high school senior. Joe did not approve. The problem, according to the Los Angeles Times, was that Joe was "uncomfortable that Vanessa, a Latina, is not African-American, and he is uneasy with [Kobe's] selfless devotion to her."





When Kobe and Vanessa got married the following year, Joe and Pam didn't attend the wedding. When the Lakers played three games in Philadelphia during the 2001 NBA Finals, Joe was nowhere to be found. When, at the end of that series, the Lakers triumphed and Kobe was spotted holding the trophy in the shower and crying, everyone assumed it was out of joy, or relief. But he later told the Times, "That was about my dad."


[–]HeatErectusPenor 784 指標 5小時前

Damn, that's sad. I can't imagine denying the feelings of my son because his partner of choosing isn't the same color as you. Even when your son is a god damn NBA champion all that matters is that he "betrayed" his race


[–]LakersJesusSama 390 指標 5小時前

His relationship with his parents has been REALLY bad as a whole.

He sued the auction company that his parents contracted that sold a bunch of his stuff including a commemorative NBA championship ring. They gave it to the auction company so that they, the parents, could buy a new house.




He even went so far to pen a letter to himself basically about his side of the family. It was basically a veiled lesson to others but fanned out a bit of his dirty laundry.



[–]CelticsNdbdncofowpeh 205 指標 4小時前

Come on you’re not even giving their side of it. He married a Mexican girl, so obviously it was a justified relatiation.


[–]RaptorsEustassKiddd 100 指標 4小時前*

This is also a sad reality for people whos parents are immigrants. I am coloured but I had to end a 3 year long relationship because my parents would never accept her due to her being a different ethnicity. It was either her or my family.

Shit fucked me up for a bit man, I understand Kobe



[–][GSW] Draymond Greenjthc 158 指標 4小時前

That's when you've got to put your foot down, otherwise they'll control you forever. I gave my parents an ultimatum when I married a girl of a different race: this is my life and you have to respect my choices if you want to be a part of my life.


[–]RaptorsEustassKiddd 93 指標 4小時前*

I understand that completely but in my case if your son is marrying a girl that isn't the same race then your entire family gets ridiculed, if I left them my entire family would suffer by being looked down upon that their son ran off with that type of girl. It would cause them endless pain due to how much value they put on these things. It was a very tough decision


Why am I being down voted for this? I'm literally just explaining why this happens and why it was an extremely difficult decision


[–]HeatErectusPenor 25 指標 4小時前

What culture is this and where do you live?


[–]RaptorsEustassKiddd 48 指標 4小時前

Middle Eastern living in Toronto


[–]DumbIMGstudent 81 指標 4小時前*

Problem with Middle Eastern, Pakistani, Indian parents, they love to play that guilt card.

I remember as a pakistani being in love with a hindu indian girl and my parents flipped too. I honestly never loved another girl as much as her and I'm currently married (to a paki).



The other dude is right though, do what makes you happy. Your parents will eventually come around when they see the grandchild. No grandparent can resist giving love to their grandchild.


It did teach me a life lesson though, I will do anything for my children's happiness. If they want to marry a girl of a different race or religion, idgaf. It is their life to live and I have no right to have control over the decisions they make as an adult. Nor will I ever guilt trip them and say stupid bullshit about how bad it looks to the entire family. What do I care about more, my children's happiness or the opinion of my entire family?


You're a good person for choosing family over love, but REAL family would never let that be an option. Rather they would show acceptance to whom you love.


Edit - another example, my one cousin ran away and married a bengali girl. His whole family was against it and they were ridiculed by the elders of the family (none of them have more than a HS degree). Now they love his wife and once they got to know her, they realized she is a total sweetheart and has her head on straight. This whole race/religion shit with Middle Eastern and South Asians is a bunch of bullshit.


[–]Lakersso-cal_kid 89 指標 5小時前

I remember hearing about this as a kid growing up in LA and being so confused about it. Like why would his dad care she was Latina when half of LA is Latino/latina? Obviously I was a dumb kid.


[–][LAL] Lamar OdomKlaxosaur 135 指標 4小時前

Nah. You're normal and didnt see race an issue.


[–]Blueandigo 82 指標 5小時前*

My dad didn't attend my wedding and he was upset that I was getting married. We're good to go now but it upset me and it still does because I just wish he would've been there. I'll never have that moment again and I think about it everyday. It scares me to even have kids because I always wonder would be approve of it or would he be upset if I did. I just want him to accept my decisions.

